Supporting a Safer Bernardsville!

The Bernardsville Law Enforcement Foundation seeks to provide support to local law enforcement by offering education, training, equipment, and technology that will help reduce crime, increase officer safety, and improve community relations. Our goal is to help law enforcement officers protect and serve the citizens of the Bernardsville community.

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Supporting Our Local Law Enforcement Officials

The mission of the Bernardsville Law Enforcement Foundation is to support our local law enforcement officers, as they protect and serve the citizens of the Bernardsville community. With support from our foundation, local law enforcement officers will have access to additional training, education, and resources they need to ensure that our community is a safe place to live, work, and play.

Support the Bernardsville Community

Law enforcement officials work tirelessly to protect and serve their communities. This effort requires a great deal of education, training, supplies, and other resources. The Bernardsville Law Enforcement Foundation provides additional financial assistance to fund these efforts. This assistance does not replace the funding that the government is obligated to fund. Rather, it is above and beyond what the local budget provides to ensure that local law enforcement officials have the resources they need to do their jobs effectively. Examples of these resources include things such as educational seminars, supplies for community programs, new equipment, and technology. With donations from dedicated community members, the Bernardsville Law Enforcement Foundation will make certain that law enforcement officers have the tools they need to serve our community in a dignified manner with professionalism and personal pride. 

Make a Difference Today

Our belief is that providing law enforcement officials with the tools and resources they need will result in a safer community. That’s why the Bernardsville Law Enforcement Foundation is here to support local law enforcement in their mission to keep the Bernardsville community safe at all times. If you’re interested in making a difference in your community, you can make a tax-deductible donation to the Bernardsville Law Enforcement Foundation today! 

Serving Since 2022

PO Box 532 Bernardsville, NJ 07924

Copyright ProspectGenius and Bernardsville Law Enforcement Foundation 2025